Current discussion surrounding the process of making paper shows opposing thoughts on the advantage of using reused paper fibers rather than new wood mash fibers. Those seeing an advantage feel use of reused fibers is a way to secure forests; stop contamination to air, ground water, and soil; control the release of greenhouse gases; and diminish the use of vitality. Those not seeing a lot of value argue that paper recycling itself is a source of contamination as a result of the side-effects created by the de-inking process. They further argue that two-thirds of the vitality used by paper mills is actually self-created. Despite these thoughts it still stands, the papermaking industry is very harsh on the earth. Heavy use of chemicals required in the process of reducing and bleaching wood to shape the desired mash, result in toxic byproducts.
It cannot be argued that paper has come to be known as a cheap item coming with a significant level of consumption and waste. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency website, US consumers use in excess of 70 million tons of paper and card board every year. Paper waste comprises about 40 percent of the total US waste and is considered a major segment of our landfills. In addition to post-consumer waste, contamination from mash presents a serious issue. With approximately 100 Paper Mills in the US, paper making is considered the third most polluting industry in North America. The paper making process consumes fresh water, pollutes nature, emits greenhouse gases, and destroys forests.
Paper production from new wood poses a significant negative impact on the earth. It requires vast amounts of water during the process of changing wood fibers to wood mash. Chlorine-based bleaches used during paper manufacturing result in release of toxins to surrounding air, soil, and water ways. Nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide (the two causes of acid rain), and carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas responsible for climate change), are all released during the process. The United States EPA has discovered that use of reused paper fibers results in 35 percent less water contamination and 74 percent less air contamination than making new paper supplier singapore. Although many mills use new innovation that lessen water emissions, use of reused paper in the manufacturing process produces less wastewater and results in less solid waste than manufacturing with virgin fibers. Reused paper used in the production of new paper decreases the demand for virgin mash subsequently reducing the overall amount of air and water contamination associated with paper manufacturing.